25j IPVS - Studiedag vaccinatie bij varkens

Studiedag naar aanleiding van 25 jaar IPVS Begian Branche op 19 november 2010 "Vaccinatie bij varkens"


Morning session Chair: prof. dr. K. Chiers

08u30 - 09u15: Reception, welcome (coffee)

09u15 - 09u20: Welcome, president IPVS Belgian branch

prof. dr. D. Maes

09u20 - 10u10: Functioning of the immune system in pigs: more is not always better

prof. dr. W. Leibold

10u10 - 10u40: Vaccination against intestinal bacterial pathogens

dr. F. Boyen

10u40 - 11u10: Coffee break and posters

11u10 - 11u40: Pauze

11u40 - 12u30: Vaccination against viral pathogens: influenza

prof. dr. K. Van Reeth

12u30 - 14u00: Lunch - posters Afternoon session

prof. dr. D. Maes

14u00 - 14u40: Vaccination against respiratory bacterial pathogens

dr. A. Palzer

14u40 - 15u20: Vaccination against intestinal bacterial pathogens

dr. F. Boyen

15u20 - 15u50: Coffee break and posters

15u50 - 16u15: Vaccination against parasitic infections: what are the possibilities

dr. P. Geldhof

16u15 - 16u45: Economic aspects of vaccination programs in pig herds

dr. ir. L. Lauwers

16u45 - 17u30: Panel discussion with all the speakers of the day

17u30 - 17u40: IPVS Belgian Branch prize + poster prize

Reception and diner



Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Gent
IPVS-leden: Gratis; Niet-Leden: 80 Euro; De prijs van het diner bedraagt 50 Euro
EBP: /

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